代码已分享至Gitee: https://gitee.com/lengcz/qianming
div { margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:1em; } input { padding: .5em; margin: .5em; } select { padding: .5em; margin: .5em; } #signatureparent { color:darkblue; background-color:darkgrey; /*max-width:600px;*/ padding:20px; } /*This is the div within which the signature canvas is fitted*/ #signature { border: 2px dotted black; background-color:lightgrey; } /* Drawing the 'gripper' for touch-enabled devices */ html.touch #content { float:left; width:92%; } html.touch #scrollgrabber { float:right; width:4%; margin-right:2%; background-image:url() } html.borderradius #scrollgrabber { border-radius: 1em; }jQuery.noConflict() /* @preserve jQuery pub/sub plugin by Peter Higgins (dante@dojotoolkit.org) Loosely based on Dojo publish/subscribe API, limited in scope. Rewritten blindly. Original is (c) Dojo Foundation 2004-2010. Released under either AFL or new BSD, see: http://dojofoundation.org/license for more information. */ (function($) { var topics = {}; $.publish = function(topic, args) { if (topics[topic]) { var currentTopic = topics[topic], args = args || {}; for (var i = 0, j = currentTopic.length; i < j; i++) { currentTopic[i].call($, args); } } }; $.subscribe = function(topic, callback) { if (!topics[topic]) { topics[topic] = []; } topics[topic].push(callback); return { "topic": topic, "callback": callback }; }; $.unsubscribe = function(handle) { var topic = handle.topic; if (topics[topic]) { var currentTopic = topics[topic]; for (var i = 0, j = currentTopic.length; i < j; i++) { if (currentTopic[i] === handle.callback) { currentTopic.splice(i, 1); } } } }; })(jQuery); (function($){ $(document).ready(function() { // This is the part where jSignature is initialized. var $sigdiv = $("#signature").jSignature({'UndoButton':true}) // All the code below is just code driving the demo. , $tools = $('#tools') , $extraarea = $('#displayarea') , pubsubprefix = 'jSignature.demo.' var export_plugins = $sigdiv.jSignature('listPlugins','export') , chops = ['提取签名数据: ','(select export format)'] , name for(var i in export_plugins){ if (export_plugins.hasOwnProperty(i)){ name = export_plugins[i] chops.push('' + name + '') } } chops.push(' or: ') $(chops.join('')).bind('change', function(e){ if (e.target.value !== ''){ var data = $sigdiv.jSignature('getData', e.target.value) $.publish(pubsubprefix + 'formatchanged') if (typeof data === 'string'){ $('textarea', $tools).val(data) } else if($.isArray(data) && data.length === 2){ $('textarea', $tools).val(data.join(',')) $.publish(pubsubprefix + data[0], data); } else { try { $('textarea', $tools).val(JSON.stringify(data)) } catch (ex) { $('textarea', $tools).val('Not sure how to stringify this, likely binary, format.') } } } }).appendTo($tools) $('').bind('click', function(e){ $sigdiv.jSignature('reset') }).appendTo($tools) $('jSignature inherits colors from parent element. Text = Pen color. Background = Background. (This works even when Flash-based Canvas emulation is used.)Display Area:
$.subscribe(pubsubprefix + ‘formatchanged’, function(){
$.subscribe(pubsubprefix + ‘image/svg+xml’, function(data) {
var i = new Image()
i.src = ‘data:’ + data[0] + ‘;base64,’ + btoa( data[1] )
} catch (ex) {
var message = [
“If you don’t see an image immediately above, it means your browser is unable to display in-line (data-url-formatted) SVG.”
, “This is NOT an issue with jSignature, as we can export proper SVG document regardless of browser’s ability to display it.”
, “Try this page in a modern browser to see the SVG on the page, or export data as plain SVG, save to disk as text file and view in any SVG-capabale viewer.”
$( “” + message.join(“
“) + “” ).appendTo( $extraarea )
$.subscribe(pubsubprefix + ‘image/svg+xml;base64’, function(data) {
var i = new Image()
i.src = ‘data:’ + data[0] + ‘,’ + data[1]
var message = [
“If you don’t see an image immediately above, it means your browser is unable to display in-line (data-url-formatted) SVG.”
, “This is NOT an issue with jSignature, as we can export proper SVG document regardless of browser’s ability to display it.”
, “Try this page in a modern browser to see the SVG on the page, or export data as plain SVG, save to disk as text file and view in any SVG-capabale viewer.”
$( “” + message.join(“
“) + “” ).appendTo( $extraarea )
$.subscribe(pubsubprefix + ‘image/png;base64’, function(data) {
var i = new Image()
i.src = ‘data:’ + data[0] + ‘,’ + data[1]
$(‘As you can see, one of the problems of “image” extraction (besides not working on some old Androids, elsewhere) is that it extracts A LOT OF DATA and includes all the decoration that is not part of the signature.‘).appendTo($extraarea)
$.subscribe(pubsubprefix + ‘image/jsignature;base30’, function(data) {
$(‘This is a vector format not natively render-able by browsers. Format is a compressed “movement coordinates arrays” structure tuned for use server-side. The bonus of this format is its tiny storage footprint and ease of deriving rendering instructions in programmatic, iterative manner.‘).appendTo($extraarea)
if (Modernizr.touch){
})(jQuery)jSignature inherits colors from parent element. Text = Pen color. Background = Background. (This works even when Flash-based Canvas emulation is used.)Display Area: